A Rant on Religion

Yes, I made this blog to record my dreams, but lately they have been rather peaceful. My mind however, has not been. Keep in mind I do not swear unless I have a very good reason to.

Lately I read an article about a “Holy Bible” based religion (Catholic/Christian/Etc) protesting the funerals of soldiers. Their reasoning for this? All soldiers are gay even if they’re not gay and its because of that, god killed them, to punish gay people.

Seriously, this is screwed up in more than one way. First off, they fought to keep us safe and now these dicks are being assfuckers to their families, just because they don’t like how other people live their lives.

Here I would love to point out a few things you bible followers who can’t tolerate anyone different because you are an insensitive asshole who thinks they’re always right…

1) You are not following the bible completely either. You pick and choose what to follow, so what right do you have to tell people what is wrong or right or natural?

2) The United States has freedom clauses. Yes, you use that freedom of speech one. Guess what? YOU’RE TAKING IT TO FAR! You’re nothing more than trolling homophobic assholes. I hope your god shits on your face when you die and go to hell for the things you are doing now to make other people’s lives miserable.

3) Muslim extremists… You complain about them right? Well look in the mirror douche-bag, you’re just as bad as they are. You may not see it, but the rest of us in the U.S do. You’re WORSE than they are actually, at least they’re following their religion to the letter and do what they think is right. You’re just doing it because you can’t handle the thought of a man loving a man or woman loving a woman. Admit it, it isn’t about your religion, its about your own fear and stupidity.

You who are protesting these funerals are as bad as the British were when our country was being founded, but hey at least you haven’t started a war or breaking the fundamentals of the States yet.

OH WAIT YOU HAVE! Separation of government and religion. Learn it fuckfaces. Passing a bill against “Gay marriage because it’s not natural and against god” is unconstitutional. In fact passing a bill against it is unconstitutional all around. It is a persons constitutional right to pursue happiness. If getting married to another woman made me happy, the government has no right to impose on that.

One last point before I wrap this up. In the bible it is stated that slavery is okay. What do you have to say to that?

In conclusion. If you’re reading this and you’re apart of the protests at soldiers funerals, you are a douche bag fuck face son of a slimefucker who needs to go learn some tolerance. If you are not then you need to help speak out against these assholes and maybe also learn some tolerance to other people’s choices. The bible already caused a civil war with it’s slavery. Don’t let people interpreting it cause another civil war over gay rights.

Black Necromancer?

First a disclaimer. I do not have a thing against people of any race religion etc, I can’t help my dreams and the first person to say I’m a racist for this one is going to get a stern cyber-yelling at.


The dream started at this park I used to go to go as a kid in a town I used to live in. I was swinging on the swings and a group of kids came over to swing on the set too. One of them asked if they could have a turn so I got off and watched them play happily. Both were little African American girls, about 8 and 13. The 13 year old got on the swing I was on while her sister took the one next to it.

I noticed that water started to pool under the swing for no apparent reason. One of the teenagers on the merry-go-round (The kind that kids sit on and you push as fast as you can, not the horse kind) said that the fire department was draining some of the hydrants a few blocks away and that was the cause. Suddenly the whole ground around the swing set collapsed in, the 8 year old jumped off in time but her sister did not. I was able to grab hold of her and pull her out of the rushing mud, it was like a river underneath that swing.

I took both of the girls for a walk to help them dry off and go give the fire department a piece of my mind, thinking they were to blame. Two blocks down the girls’ mother comes out of their house screaming and yelling at the two girls for even being outside! I didn’t see much wrong aside from the mother’s glares at me… just an angry mother of two girls who decided to sneak out and play at the park for a bit.

I continue down the street a bit and feel a sense of dread wash over me. I head back to the park. As I passed by the house that the little girls went in, I heard screaming. Not the kind of screaming that a kid being grounded or belted for misbehaving… but the kind of pure terror and danger. I walked up to the house and knocked with no answer. The windows were barricaded and blocked from anyone looking in. Then I heard screams from the back.

I jumped the large wooden fence and ran around to the back. All I saw was a little inflatable kiddie pool with the 8 year old drowned and half in. I pulled her out and tried to resuscitate her, but it was clear she was already gone.

I ran to the porch and yelled into the screen door for them to call 911. A younger girl ran towards me, only about five or six years old, she was begging me to help her. Behind her, her mother approached. She was heavy set and moving slow so I had time to open the door and look inside the house as I pulled her out. There on the floor was the thirteen year old, dead and carved in half. It was a bloody mess I am not going to go into detail on. I picked up the little girl and hoisted her onto my back. We climbed over the fence and I sat her down.

A sweet old couple came out of the house on that side of the fence, asking what was wrong. I told them what I had seen and they didn’t believe me or the six year old. The gave her back to her mother despite my protests. I climbed up over the fence again to point out the dead 8 year old, but she was alive… I knew I wasn’t imagining things though.

I waited in a tree in the neighbors yard for a long time, watching as the woman repeatedly killed her daughters, in total five of them, and resurrected them again and again.

And then I woke up sick to my stomach.

Hello world!

Hello and welcome to the start of my new blog! Things will be updated when I have an interesting or freaky dream but if its too graphic in terms of sex or violence I will lighten up on it and summarize it as best I can without detail. The main purpose of this blog is so I don’t have to type to my friends fifty billion times the dream I had.